My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent

Rain, Rain and More RAIN!

Well, it had to come and I knew it would eventually. We've got 3 days of steady rain forecast.
I've already started to compromise. I let Larry bring me to work this morning. I was not feeling well and I couldn't face a 2.5 mile bike ride or walk in the pouring rain. I'm not looking forward to this evening under my tarp with the rain pouring off the edges every now and then, either. I also am not looking forward to the bath under the tarp tomorrow, while trying to maintain some degree of privacy and not freezing my buns off. It is only supposed to be a high temp of 63 or 64 the next couple of days and that means bath time in the morning will be even cooler. Oh well, I asked for it. I could see myself being perfectly comfortable with a bath in the corner of a warm little cabin next to the warm wood stove. Nevertheless, my substitute is under the tarp on the patio - I'm going to have to get creative on the privacy thing. I've got some ideas.... I'll let you know what I come up with.
Meanwhile, there's leftover stew for dinner tonight. The rest of the family will have to fend for themselves. I've got a couple of good books that I haven't started yet, so I should be fine.
I was sitting there on the patio last night under the tarp in the rain and my husband and son would pass by the floor to ceiling windows separating my patio from the sunroom and knock on the glass and stare at me as if I was an exhibit in the zoo. I suppose I asked for that, too.
They don't really intend to insult me - but crazy women doing crazy things run the risk of being made fun of. That's something that I'm learning through all this: If your'e going to live in a way that is unusual, you must not care about the opinions of others. You have to be led by your own heart and the music of life in your own head - that needs to be enough - you can't require more.
Staying afloat-I hope,

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