My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent
Day 15 and counting Well, the weekend was a swirl of activity and emotion.Friday night after work, my husband took me out for dinner. Afterwards we got into a discussion that culminated in my near desertion of my outpost. But after some thorough consideration of my motives I continued on my quest.I actually got a lot accomplished this weekend and had a little fun, too.Larry took me downtown to the Farmer's Market on Saturday morning with a stop at a little restaurant for some great breakfast. (A waffle piled with fresh fruit, granola, maple syrup and whipped cream. YUM! I bought some pottery at the Farmer's Market. (I'm a sucker for pottery). Then we went to Lowes and got more firewood scraps, a rain cover for my stovepipe, and flowers for my front yard. By the end of the weekend, I had gotten my firewood can filled, weeded and planted my whole front flower beds, put my stove cap on, washed my laundry and painted my washtable.I am having high points and not so high points in the whole experience. Haven't hit bottom yet.Some high points:* doing my laundry on Sunday morning while my husband sits in the rocker near me reading.* reading by candle light in the evening* actually achieving delicious baked rolls in the dutch oven.* the beautiful new french blue paint on my little wash table that Larry made for me.* the last bit of warm water in the 2 gallon bucket poured over my head at the end of a chilly outdoor bath.Some low points:*evenings when no one in the family wants to sit outside with me*spilling half the red beans & rice inside the wood stove*rainy evenings*too much salt in the bakeover pizza*flat tire on my bicycle - half way to work* wondering "What is the point in this whole experiment?"I'll let you know a condensed understanding of that last question as it get's clearer in my mind.I'm at work now and have to go create beautiful wedding programs, inviations and stationery.Later from Kate
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Comments to the "Outpost"

Seems this blog is not as user friendly as I assumed. I've never had a blog before so I didn't know how to choose. I am going to give some simple (I hope) instructions on commenting so I can get more great comments from you all.

Beneath any of my posts at the bottom right corner is a tiny word "comments". Click on it and it will open a screen with previous comments (if any have been made about that particular post) will be posted on the left column and then a place on the right column where you can enter a comment. You also have to type in the swirly looking nonsensical word in the "code" box to post your comment. That keeps automated email things from posting - you have to be a real person able to read and type to post a comment. Then you click on "publish" and it will send it to a mailbox where I have to read it first and make sure it is OK to be published on the blog.

Hope that is all "simple" enought. Try it (even one of my ADD friends was able to do it - I'm sure you can, too.)