My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent

It Was a Wild Ride

I was fueled by love and chocolate yesterday to continue my "wild ride" of the outpost experiment. But the 3rd night of cold rainy weather dampened my spirits and I headed home after work with dread of going out to my windy, cold, wet paito to sit and wait till I had the courage to make a dash to my damp tent to try to get warm enough to go to sleep. I thought about it a little and said, NO WAY! It's finished....Kate's Outpost is over.
I believe I have learned what I needed to know...
*I could do it if I wanted to with the right shelter and equipment.
*I have most of the skills I would need to live OTG (off the grid)
*The romance of the life-style has been realistically contained in my mind
*I'm not going to run away to live in the mountains any time soon
*I hate lots of cold rainy weather, so Seattle will not be one of my pick cities for future retirement.
* I have a great husband
*I have some really supportive and loving friends and family
*We take most of what we have for granted
*I'll be much more aware of what I consume, waste ...throw away
*I should always explore my dreams rather than stifling them

So, I'm signing off... Thanks again to all of you who have cheered me on. I'm a little disapointed that I did not make the full month goal but I'm satisfied with what I accomplished.
Dream on everybody,