My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent

This is the weekend

It's Friday night. I just finished making my outdoor chandelier using old metal fencing and wire and jars with candles. I moved my rocker to the back patio and think I will go ahead and sleep outside tonight. The moon is full and bright and the temperature is supposed to be around 62 degrees.

I have my bed all set in my tent with sheets and blankets. It stayed dry during the last rain so I hope I'll be OK if we get a real storm. My outdoor bath area is finished. I've used it a few times.

I've also cooked over my fire in the fire pit a couple of times and used it to heat my water for my bath this morning.

So I guess I'm pretty much ready.

I still need a few small items and I haven't moved my basic clothing items or my food items outside yet. I'll get all the done this weekend.

Monday is October 1st - the official start of the 2GKates Outpost Experiment.

I'll keep you posted. And hope to have photos up soon.
