My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent
The weather has finally changed and it was a little nippy last night and this morning.
Two blankets made sleeping comfortable. The morning bath was a little chilly. By the time I was dressed and ready for work my hands were really cold. But, I just put them on the barely warm wood stove and warmed them up. I spent the evening last night wrapped in a blanket in my rocker reading by candle light till 9:00. Then put on my slate blue colored Vera Wang P.J.s and climbed under my blankets in my little tent and read some more by flashlight. I felt a little like an oxymoron. I'm enjoying a book right now about a woman shepherd in New England. Her life sounds a lot harder and colder than mine, so I am inspired to squelch any complaints.
I'm looking forward to a weekend of laundry and retrieving my firewood supply from the local Lowe's. They give me their scrap dryer wood and Larry and I cut it into stove size pieces with the chainsaw. Then I will need to split quite a bit into kindling sizes since I have picked the yard clean of any twigs and pinecones.
I think I will invite some friends over for Saturday night as per the suggestion of an anonymous comment. It will pass the evening. Maybe a big pot of chili would make a good menu to offer. We'll see.