My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent
The weather has finally changed and it was a little nippy last night and this morning.
Two blankets made sleeping comfortable. The morning bath was a little chilly. By the time I was dressed and ready for work my hands were really cold. But, I just put them on the barely warm wood stove and warmed them up. I spent the evening last night wrapped in a blanket in my rocker reading by candle light till 9:00. Then put on my slate blue colored Vera Wang P.J.s and climbed under my blankets in my little tent and read some more by flashlight. I felt a little like an oxymoron. I'm enjoying a book right now about a woman shepherd in New England. Her life sounds a lot harder and colder than mine, so I am inspired to squelch any complaints.
I'm looking forward to a weekend of laundry and retrieving my firewood supply from the local Lowe's. They give me their scrap dryer wood and Larry and I cut it into stove size pieces with the chainsaw. Then I will need to split quite a bit into kindling sizes since I have picked the yard clean of any twigs and pinecones.
I think I will invite some friends over for Saturday night as per the suggestion of an anonymous comment. It will pass the evening. Maybe a big pot of chili would make a good menu to offer. We'll see.


Tirzah said...

Why is nobody commenting!?? Can I came down and camp please? We went last weekend and it was too hot! THis week is great but here we are in the city... I know you can do this. Enjoy the time. TR

Kathryn Miller said...

Hey Tirz!!
So great to hear from a real person with a real name.
Been meaning to write and tell you how much I love my shopping bags. I use them all the time.
If your're up to it I will order some for Christmas gifts.
And I'm sending you a check for the ones you made for me.
Let me know how much you charge for each bag so I can budget for my Christmas list.
Thanks for the encouragement. Try camping again as the weather cools.
Love yas bunches.

Tirzah said...

I think I could pull off about 3 to five batches of bags if you get there early enough.:) you got one of those fancy cellularrrrr phones in that there tent o yours?

Kathryn Miller said...

Let me get my list together for the bags. I've decided that giving them as gifts to family or friends might be an ecouragment to them to reduce waste and their contribution to the huge garbage dumps that we create (using plastic bags). Do you prefer to choose the fabric or have me buy it? Call me to discuss details. I do have a cell phone that I use during the work day (10:00 - 5:00)get the number from your mom or dad so I don't post it on this blog. OK
Love ya