My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent

It Was a Wild Ride

I was fueled by love and chocolate yesterday to continue my "wild ride" of the outpost experiment. But the 3rd night of cold rainy weather dampened my spirits and I headed home after work with dread of going out to my windy, cold, wet paito to sit and wait till I had the courage to make a dash to my damp tent to try to get warm enough to go to sleep. I thought about it a little and said, NO WAY! It's finished....Kate's Outpost is over.
I believe I have learned what I needed to know...
*I could do it if I wanted to with the right shelter and equipment.
*I have most of the skills I would need to live OTG (off the grid)
*The romance of the life-style has been realistically contained in my mind
*I'm not going to run away to live in the mountains any time soon
*I hate lots of cold rainy weather, so Seattle will not be one of my pick cities for future retirement.
* I have a great husband
*I have some really supportive and loving friends and family
*We take most of what we have for granted
*I'll be much more aware of what I consume, waste ...throw away
*I should always explore my dreams rather than stifling them

So, I'm signing off... Thanks again to all of you who have cheered me on. I'm a little disapointed that I did not make the full month goal but I'm satisfied with what I accomplished.
Dream on everybody,


Anonymous said...

You should be so proud of yourself! You hung in 22 days longer than anyone else could have...And there is no way that you should be bathing outside in this weather!!!! You did an amazing job and now whenever you have grandkids, you can tell them about the time you lived in the backyard =) As soon as Jake stops working 18 hour days, we will have an AWESOME dinner for you at our house, which is still sort of like roughing it at this point anyway. See you soon!

Bev Carroll said...

I see the Dutch Oven. Is that the same one that you made "Apple Brown Betty" in for us up at the "Shut Ins"???
Hey Kathy (Kate),
It's Bev. Hope you are all doing good. We are all just peachy. I just got some photos from Dave and Chuck in the last few weeks. They sound like they are doing well. (Don't know how they stand that cold and snow in Alaska). Write me back so I can have your email address. Give everyone our love.