My Space

My Space
Inside my little tent


why would I do such a crazy thing like live in a tent in my backyard.  Good question, but the only answer I have is that it just sounded good to me.  I have been stuck in the 60's-70's flower child live-off-the-land mind set since... 1972.  Just can't seem to shake it. I have gotten close a couple of times. Larry and I lived in a log cabin built from a kit for several years when our boys were young, but my inital design for that home was with a dirt floor and no electricity or indoor plumbing, but Larry vetoed that idea so we had all the modern conveniences including a microwave.
So every year or so, especially in the fall, I get the itch really bad to sky up and run away to the mountains.  Larry pulls me back to earth and I give in and live in this century and do the ordinary things the ordinary way.  But this year was a kind of turning point. I thought maybe if I can really try this roughing it thing then I would get it out of my system and quit harassing my hubby about needing to sell everything and go homestead in Alaska.  So it seemed like a logical cure to just live in the backyard in a tent and only use the water from the faucet outside and cook on a wood fire and only go inside to use the restroom... I know that is not REALLY roughing it but I thought the neighbors might have a problem with me building an outhouse next to their hot tub.  So the use of the indoor commode seemed a fair compromise.  All clothes washing, kitchen clean up and bathing would have to be done with water from the faucet heated on the fire.
No electricity of any kind should be quite enough of a challenge. 
So, I'm going to give it a whirl and see if this gets the urge out of my system once and for all... I'll keep you POSTED!